Lets Talk Mental Wellness and Mental Illness
Lets Talk Mental Wellness and Mental Illness As a therapist and a person who lives this life finding a balance between my mental wellness and my mental illness, I have noticed that there is a significant amount of shame, guilt, irrational ownership, blame, and did I mention shame, surrounding a persons current state of overall mental wellness. What I have seen people often fail to understand is that mental illness is really not a whole lot different than a physical illness and you never really here any one telling you to "just stop throwing up" when you have the flu, when your gall bladder has gone bad, or worse if you have stomach cancer. That's the thing when it comes to depression and anxiety especially, people who love those who suffer from these illnesses often have the best of intentions when they recommend thinking about something else, going for a walk, just smile, or asking questions like "why can't you just be happy?" For those of us who truly...