Letting Go; The Act, The Art, and the Sweet Surrender
As we enter the beautiful season of fall I am reminded of the importance and need to let go. Over the last several months I have been taking on too much, feeling as though I could do everything on my own. Unfortunately this is a regular pattern for me, and I am again reminded of my own limitations and have been forced into a place of needing to let go. Let me just say letting go is not as easy as the trees make it look. There is so much to the process of letting go, and this process is often overlooked. What I have learned in the art of letting go is that there is a process to it, it's not just about removing things from our lives, we must be willing to move through the process before the act of letting go can occur. Letting go comes with a certain amount of fear as we are not sure what awaits us, or what is on the other side of it. I tried something new and recorded a video blog to talk further about letting go. The video is posted in two parts. In part on...